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Discharge the Chaos

Maybe I’m just storm-swung

wrung out or sunk in a sea

eyes, brackish mouth, tide-moody

just seaweed using my breath to change the air 


I edge 


the machinery of my own trapping 


brush it from mind to gut 


while habit of mind like each fertile phase 


shortens me

gears lock into gears imperfectly

cloud cover scrapes my tonsils quiet 


does its disorienting work 


while the sun in it squints me 


I furrow

Megan Breiseth is a queer Bay Area poet who works in education. She’s the author of the chapbook Zia (Mrs. Maybe Press) and the longer you stay here (Featherboard). Her poems have appeared in Parentheses, Rise Up Review, sPARKLE and bLINK, and are forthcoming in Word for/Word. She’s recently completed her first full-length collection, Sun Blue.

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