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Selva Part II

It’s a sad one

 the Canto about Suicides 

transformed into trees

                      the harpies nesting in their branches

 feeding upon them. 


  In Blake’s drawings

inside some wood

they are labelled self-murderers.

In the Inferno it’s a selva

the next step beyond a forest

in terms of uneasiness.


Since entering the selva

Dante barely manages to keep standing.

I, throughout, distended

but continuing to keep my promise.


Sometimes I feel like a harpy.

I have sympathy for the strawberry

but I am very hungry

and the options are limited.


In translating this journey

I am both eating and eaten one.

Alex Keramidas is a poet based in South East London. English is her fourth language. She enjoys working with translation and connections between different languages. She co-edits Strings Magazine and is a Research Fellow with the Telos Society. Her poetry pamphlet Vestibular Training was published by Bored Wolves in March 2024.

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