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Resizing the Metaphor

⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ 

I am an autumn forest⸙⸙ No⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ 

I am the leaves ⸙⸙ No⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ 

I am just one leaf⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ 

Stretching out my⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ 

Sip of sweetness⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ 

Until the⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙

Branch ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙    

Drops⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙

Me ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ 

⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙ ⸙⸙ ⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙⸙

Francesca Leader is a writer originally from Western Montana. Her poetry and CNF have been published in Broadkill Review, Hooligan, Club Plum, Identity Theory, Sho Poetry, Door is a Jar, Poetry New Zealand, Literary Mama, and elsewhere. Her debut poetry chapbook, “Like Wine or Like Pain,” is available from Bottlecap Press. ( 

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