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The cricket fiddled with life.

Rankling on armoured thighs

and fistulous mind.


In the fetch-candle's cone,

turmoil of quakes and unrest,

scales and crusts, the flower flaked

alive with cankerworms.


Sores pulsed with blood.


Beneath the lot,

the brief ant builds.

Claudio Perinot is a disabled teacher from Italy. His work has appeared most recently in Journal of Compressed Creative Arts. He was longlisted in the 2021 Briefly Write Poetry Prize and shortlisted in the Better Than Starbucks 2021 Sonnet Contest. His poems have been Highly Commended in the 2024 erbacce Prize for Poetry. His research on the Eliot - Verdenal friendship is often cited in studies on T.S. Eliot. 

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